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List of 20 Common Skin Disorders in India- Facing skin problems after you turn 18 is common. Eczema, acne, fungal infections, etc occurs frequently. During any skin condition, the foremost problem is that the skin’s cells reduce their ability to respond thereby losing immunity.
The skin disease contribution to the global disease rate is nearly 1.79%. As per the research, it is found that 40.1% of males and 23.7% of females are infected with skin disorders.
As per studies over the last 3 decades, the burden of skin diseases in India has subsequently increased. We have a List of 20 Common Skin Disorders in India that are reported by people of the age group 18 to 60. The skin disorders may vary in treatment and their presence may sometimes be painful.
Note that the infection in the List of 20 Common Skin Disorders in India must be treated after the consultation of a dermatology expert. The reason for the development of these can either be due to genetics or sometimes the environment. The skin problems can be life-threatening and can be cured in a matter of time with proper medications. Inform before raking any dose for best results.
Here is a table that describes the List of 20 Common Skin Disorders in India. Go through the list of the best knowledge. Some of the mentioned ones are passed from generation to generation and some occur as autoimmune diseases.
List of 20 Common Skin Disorders in India |
Blister |
Chickenpox |
Eczema |
Melasma |
Hives |
Psoriasis |
Actinic keratosis |
Rosacea |
Wart |
Melanoma |
Latex allergy |
Cellulitis |
Basal cell carcinoma |
Lupus |
Contact dermatitis |
Vitiligo |
Carbuncle |
Acne |
Measles |
Cold Sore |
A blister is a skin condition where fluid is filled inside the layers of skin. This normally occurs when a person wears tight shoes that rub against the skin frequently causing a lack of air. This results in water bubbles in the skin. The skin is formed using three layers the epidermis, the dermis, and subcutaneous fat, or the last layer of the skin. The blisters are formed on the epidermis. A blister can be very painful as it is filled with the white pus. Often the blisters are noticed on the hands and skin.
Chickenpox is a viral skin infection caused by to varicella-zoster virus. The presence on the skin causes excessive itching along with a small blister formation. Chickenpox is common in people who have not undergone a vaccine treatment for this virus and also in the ones who have never faced this condition. Chickenpox is most common in children.
Eczema is a skin allergy condition. It causes white and yellow patches over the body. The areas that are affected by the condition often appear oily, and greasy and may look red. This also leads to excessive hair loss. They need the use of the best skin ointment. The condition isn’t contagious. You can manage this by treatments of medicines, it although isn’t curable.
Melasma is a patch development on the skin wherein it black-brown patches are formulated. This is often faced by women after pregnancy as it is termed to be the mask of pregnancy. It happens because the skin starts producing the cells excessively that form melanin in the skin. This is a harmless condition which doesn't cause any irritation.
Hives is a skin allergy that happens because of the environment of something we eat. Scientifically it is termed to be a urticaria and it is a very itchy skin condition. The patches are usually darker than the skin tone of a person.
Psoriasis is an autoimmune system response. This is a very itchy condition that causes rashes, and white patch development. This is usually noticed on the knees, elbows, trunk, and the scraps. This is a chronic skin condition which means this can't be cured easily but relief from itchiness is offered with an application of ointment.
Actinic Keratosis appears on the parts of the body which are exposed to the sunlight such as hands, faces, nose, arms, scraps, and neck. The appearance of these is scalpy, rough and it is less likely to be itchy. Although it is thick and usually brown or tanned in color.
Rosacea is a skin condition listed among the List of 20 Common Skin Disorders in India. It is believed to be red offering hot flashes to the skin. It sometimes causes pus-filled bumps and enlarges the blood vessels.
Warts is a skin condition caused due to the presence of human papillomavirus (HPV). This causes roughness on the skin’s texture and provides excessive rashes and itchy sensations. This is a contagious virus and it spreads quickly. It is noticed on the knee, elbows, face, and genital areas.
This is a very serious skin infection. This is a form of skin cancer wherein cell development is noticed in the cells that produce melamine. These are the cells that provide colour to the skin or we can term it as the pigmentation cells.
Latex allergy
This is a skin allergy that occurs in the skin due to contact with a protein found in the natural rubber called latex. Latex allergy causes rashes that lead to itchy skin and hives and sometimes even anaphylaxis. You may notice the symptoms of these allergies when you touch a balloon and any substance made of rubber.
Cellulitis is a fat deposit inside the skin cells. This is noticed on the thighs, buttocks, and stomach. This causes dimples on the skin which may look lumpy and puckered. Under the condition, the skin becomes extra sensitive.
Basal cell carcinoma
Basal Cell Carcinoma is on the List of 20 Common Skin Disorders in India. It is a form of skin cancer. This appears on the skin with a transparent bump, but generally, people ignore it. This is a result of excessive exposure to sunlight. To avoid the condition, the use of sunscreen is necessary.
Lupus is an auto-immune system disease that is caused when the immune system attacks organs and tissues. It is noticed in the areas of the body such as joints, blood cells, skin, brain, heart and kidneys, and lungs.
Contact dermatitis
In the list of 20 Common Skin Disorders in India, contact dermatitis is a skin condition that happens to be an allergy that causes rashes and redness on the skin. This can be very itchy and uncomfortable for the skin.
Vitiligo is a skin condition that causes light and dark skin patches. This cannot be treated and neither it can be reversed. This is sometimes due to genetic and often is because of the lower skin cell immunity. This holds a spot among the List of 20 Common Skin Disorders in India because it is very common.
This in the List of 20 Common Skin Disorders in India is a condition that causes cluster boils and is painful.
Acne is a very common skin condition in the List of 20 Common Skin Disorders in India. This is sometimes due to the excessive bacterial attack on the skin.
This skin infection is caused by a virus. Common in children this is very painful. This is termed to be the rubeola
Cold Sore
These are tiny fluid blisters that cause pain. This helps due to the virus's attack on the body. This infection is commonly noticed on the corners of the lips.
With the acknowledgment of the List of 20 Common Skin Disorders in India, we hope that you are now aware of the skin problems that occur frequently and trouble people. To cure these, consult the doctor. QndQ Dermacare provides the best range of medicines that can cure the skin issues mentioned in the list. Use our dermatology range after the approval of a doctor.