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Ketoconazole 2% + Cetrimide 0.5% Soap - Manufacturers & Suppliers - Third Party Contract Manufacturing - PCD Pharma Franchise

Zilzip C

Ketoconazole 2% + Cetrimide 0.5% Soap

Brand Name: Zilzip C

Composition : Ketoconazole 2% + Cetrimide 0.5% Soap

Packing : 75 gm

Price : Rs. 130

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Product Description

Ketoconazole + Cetrimide is an antifungal soap manufactured by QndQ Dermacare. The benefits of curing the fungal infection are caused on the body due to several reasons such as the presence of yeast in the body, getting in contact with the person facing the issue of fungal infection, and even excessive sweating. Once the infection occurs, it becomes essential for the person to undergo treatment so as to get rid of it. One can notice the diseases by characterizing the itchiness and the presence of white flakes on the skin.

The soap called Zilzip C is composed using the formation of the salts Ketoconazole + Cetrimide in the appropriate amount of quantities.  Ketoconazole is used at 2 %  whereas Cetrimide is used with a measurement of 0.5 %. This might look the least in the salt but it needs to be used in an appropriate amount only. This is because the soap belongs to the family of antifungal aids which must not be used for other skin infections and neither be used for the purpose of getting rid of the itchiness unless it's due to the development of fungus or yeast.

The usage of the  Ketoconazole + Cetrimide  Soap has to be recommended by the dermatologist only, as unwanted or overuse may produce some negative outcomes such as redness on the skin, excessive itchiness, and more importantly the development of a burning sensation and may also become the cause of the dry skin. This can be prevented by using it appropriately with all the instructions given by the clinician.

Medicinal benefits of  Ketoconazole + Cetrimide soap 

As the antifungal benefits of the soap, this provides the best benefits one could desire to get rid of the fungal infection.

  • Helps in reducing the development of the flake caused by the appearance of fungus.
  • Reduces the effects of infection.
  • Makes a protective layer on the membrane of the skin.
  • Stops the production of the infected cells.
  • Reduces the itchiness.
  • Provided relief from the redness on the skin 

Application of the Ketoconazole + Cetrimide  Soap

One needs to apply the soap during bath time, clean the skin and directly use it onto the skin, let the lather form, and clean using the water. Do ot share the soap with anyone as the chance of the spread of the infection may increase. 

Side Effects of Ketoconazole + Cetrimide  Soap

The usage of the soap produces some extreme side effects too such as

  • The usage may cause a burning sensation.
  • May cause dryness on the skin.
  • Can cause extreme levels of itchiness. 
  • May produce a skin rash.
  • If you are allergic to salt, it may cause extreme aftereffects.

Precautions for Ketoconazole + Cetrimide Soap

There are some necessary precautions one needs to follow

  • Do not overuse the soap.
  • Do not use the loofah.
  • Sharing the soap is prohibited.
  • Inform the doctor about the allergic reactions.
  • Do not touch the infected part of the skin.

Drug Warnings 

  • Do not use the soap if it is causing allergies.
  • The aid must not be used on the face as this may be harmful.
  • Avoid contact with eyes.
  • Keep away from the children.


The Ketoconazole + Cetrimide Soap comes under the packaging of 75 grams. It is also very much cost-efficient as compared to the other drugs. 

Keep the Ketoconazole + Cetrimide Soap in a clean area with no contact with bacteria and dust. Also, keep away from sunlight.

Note - Ketoconazole + Cetrimide Soap if for external purposes only.

Caution - Keep away from children.


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